Monday, October 6, 2008

Success Through Confidence Series Part 15: The Interview to Remember

As you read articles and books about interviewing, you will notice that most of the information focuses on "being prepared." When you look closely at the information provided, you will see that many of the tips given focus on the external preparation: what to wear, body language, handshakes, and strong examples. There is much less emphasis or information found on preparing internally for the interview.

Internal preparation begins with your feelings about yourself, as well as your feelings about searching for a job and interviewing. If you have been having a difficult time finding a job or have been laid off, your self-confidence may be running a little low.

Your feelings about yourself and your self-esteem, or self-confidence, are fragile and can change from situation to situation. You can gauge your level of confidence or self-esteem by asking yourself the following question, “Are you prepared to go out and sell yourself, and feel good about what you are selling - YOU?” If your answer is, "No," then there is some work to do on the inside before you can sell on the outside.

If you ask any sales person, he or she will tell you that it is much easier to sell a product that you believe in than it is to go through the motions of being passionate about something you really don't like or trust. Individuals who do not believe in their own ability cannot possibly convince someone else that they are the "best" candidate for the job. Begin by believing in yourself in order to gain the confidence needed to influence someone else to "buy" what you are selling – you!

Only when you believe in yourself can you convince someone else that you are the best person for the job.


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