Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Success Through Confidence Series Part 3: Walk the Talk

Come on. Be honest. You could do with a bit more confidence in one or more areas of your life, whether it’s at work, in a relationship or in meeting new people. And if you want complete and well-rounded success, you have to have a trunk load of confidence.

Even if you’re reasonably assured most of the time – you could be wrong. It might be a little , it is beneficial to do a little mental strengthening every once in a while. It feels good to be self-confident, which perpetuates more confidence, impresses people and brings you success. So review this list and try to follow a few of the tips even if you think you have it in spades. You just might end up feeling even better about yourself than you ever thought possible.

These are two things I’d like to share with you to get you starting on walking the talk:

1. Know your worth.
In order get to where you want to be in life, it is imperative that you realize what you’re worth. Be aware of all that you do for the world. Set aside a little bit of time each day to remind yourself - or write down - what you’ve accomplished at work, in your love life, in social settings, at your office, with your finances, and so on. Realize what you are capable of doing and you will feel stronger and have more self-confidence.

2. Dump the past.
Forget your past mistakes and failures. Whatever has happened previously has gone forever – it is in the past. It’s a new day today and you ca start afresh. You can shape whatever happens from now on and create a new, confident you. Forget the past and begin taking action to build a brighter future. And just because things have been a certain way till now, it doesn’t mean they always have to be this way. You can change, you can be confident. It’s up to you.


At September 24, 2008 at 12:47 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Walk the talk.. very interesting topic. This is what people always have problem with. People simply promises a lots of things, but at the end.. nothing done. So, do not just simply say/promise on something if we can't really do. It's great if we exceed what we've promised. but never lie. People will lose faith with us because of this. Especially when we're running a business.

At September 24, 2008 at 5:38 PM , Blogger Ms Yati said...

Once In a while, it’s good to remind ourselves what’s we worth. And knowing what we have accomplished in a day will get us in the rhythm to do and accomplish more… And forget the past..Move on, there’s a lot of opportunity awaits us. Looking forward for the next tips…..

At September 25, 2008 at 8:02 PM , Blogger Jeremy Lee said...

The problem with people is that they carry to much baggage with them everywhere they go. Too much from the past and too much of I am not good enough.

At September 26, 2008 at 3:11 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

yup...brag abit about what we have been accomplished but dont be too arrogant. it makes you feel good.


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